The following article by Olivia Whitehouse was published on April 17, 2024 at Photo credit: Lantz Construction. For additional project information and images, click here.
Augusta County Parks and Recreation moves into new facility
VERONA, Va. (WHSV) – Augusta County Parks and recreation have moved into its new facility.
Director Andy Wells said the department has been in its new space for about three weeks. He said the department was able to physically move everything out in about one day.
Wells said the first activity was held in on of activity rooms on Tuesday and he believed people enjoyed being in the new space.
“A lot of people kind of hung around and talked to each other, talked to some of our other staff. The layout of the space kind of lends itself to that opportunity kind of lingering and build some community organically,” said Wells.
The staff have been getting settled in and the department is eager to make use of the space, said Wells.
“The calendar is quickly filling as we turn the page and plan for that as we gradually have things starting here and relocating here so it will get busier with each and every passing week,” said Wells.
Now that the Parks and Rec department is out of its old space, renovations are beginning for the County Attorney and Human Resources Department to move in. In June there will be an open house for the community to be able to come out and see the new space.
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