Lantz Estimator and Metal Building Specialist Chris “Chip” Driver and Dale Carnegie Skills for Success instructor Wray Powell with Chip’s Highest Award for Achievement plaque. Chip and 18 other participants, including Lantz Superintendents Jay Earney and Tommy Goolsby, completed the 8-week course in mid-November.  In Session 6, Tommy and Chip won “Breakthrough” and “Outstanding” achievement awards respectively.

The Skills for Success program is designed to build self-confidence and help students grow both professionally and personally in areas of interpersonal relationships, stress management, communication, and leadership. The Highest Award for Achievement is a peer-voted honor that is presented at the end of the program to the student who best demonstrates the skills and behaviors taught during the course.  Congratulations Chip!  Go Team Lantz!

Pictured: Lantz’s Chris Driver (left) and Dale Carnegie Instructor Wray Powell (right) at the Lantz office in Broadway, VA