Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport’s new hangars nearly complete
WEYERS CAVE, Va. (WHSV) – A project creating a hub for business clients in the Valley is almost complete.
Two new hangars are being built at Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport (SHD).
“We have seen a large demand for hangar space for new aircraft and new development,” Heather Ream, director of marketing and communications at SHD said.
This project will get more wheels on the ground in the Shenandoah Valley, with a commercial side and private and corporate side, SHD expanding hangar space will bring in more clientele.
“Most of our traffic here is actually private and corporate so it would be individuals who own an aircraft, it would be companies that have a fleet of aircraft to transport you know their management folks,” Ream said.
Landing more business opportunities in the Valley.
“What that means for the community is that an additional business we could bring in here, we could serve out existing business in a better manner,” Ream said.
It doesn’t stop there, SHD is looking to fill a need they said is seen across the Commonwealth when it comes to aviation.
“This area we see in the future as having a lot of development from new aviation-related business whether they are you know technology and development businesses whether they are aircraft maintenance facilities,” she said.
They have established the area as the ‘Aviation Technology Park’ where they plan to continue growing for years to come.
“There’s a huge lack of space for aviation-related development and companies to actually be based in the state of Virginia so this is a really good opportunity for not just our region but for the entire state to be able to attract some additional industry,” Ream said.
Ream said when it comes to connectivity, the Valley has roadways and railways covered, but adding more air service will only boost economic development.
“We see a lot of incoming traffic business and industry here that are based other places but need to visit the Shenandoah Valley for different reasons,” she said.
Ream said this project was made possible by grant money awarded through Go Virginia for the utility projects.
She said SHD has also received a USDA rural development loan for their hangars making the project much more feasible.
The hangars are set to be complete by the end of June.
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