About This Project
Lexington, VA – 3,025 sf (Shower Renovation)
Both of these projects for the Virginia Military Institute were completed in the summer of 2020. Halfway through the two-month long renovation of three shower rooms in VMI’s Third Barracks, a second construction crew was deployed to repair numerous areas of broken and cracked exterior concrete at the “Old Barracks.”
The shower renovation involved removing and replacing the floor and wall tile, installing a new Kerdi water proofing system, to include drains and cleanouts, replacing existing ceilings with FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Panels) ceiling grids, and installing all new LED lighting. Broken and cracked concrete was repaired on the exterior of the four-tiered Old Barracks, to include the stoops, columns, and stairways.
VMI was founded in 1839 and is the oldest state-supported military college in the United States.